New TRAC President - Rev Reuben Ng

TRAC 49th Annual Conference Session
New President Elected - Rev Reuben Ng


On TRAC together for God’s Word, Worship, Welcome, Witness and Wonder

John Wesley

Life of John Wesley in 5 minutes

A short animation about John Wesley, brought to you by TRAC BODN!
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the Word of God: disciples learn and share the wisdom of the Bible with each other.
the Word of God: disciples learn and share the wisdom of the Bible with each other.
the Worship of God: disciples desire and encourage communion (relationship) with God through personal and corporate prayer.
the Welcome of God: disciples receive and share God's warmth and welfare.
the Witness of God: disciples accept differing roles in being positive witnesses to God's love and good news for the whole world.
the Wonder of God: disciples believe in God's wonderful acts of physical, emotional and spiritual healing through both prayers and physicians.
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